Ontario Hockey Academy

Name: Ontario Hockey Academy
BSID: 880161
Status: active
Open Date: Mar 24, 2016

Language of Instruction: English
Level: Secondary
School Type: Private Inspected
Program Type: Site based only
Grade Range: 9-12
Semester type: Semestered
Special Conditions Code: Not applicable
OSSD Continuous Intake: False

Number Of Teachers: 14
Teachers with OCT: <10

Affiliations: NO affiliations declared
Association: NO associations declared

Website: www.ohacanada.com
Region: East Region

Address: 1541 Vincent Massey Drive
City: Cornwall
Postal Code: K6H5R6
Telephone: 613-938-5009
Email: principal@ontariohockeyacademy.com

Principal Name: Jesse Ferguson
Principal Email: jesse.ferguson@ontariohockeyacademy.com
Principal Start Date: Mar 24, 2016

Sources: File Upload, Ministry Website

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Ontario Hockey Academy Closed
(same principal and telephone )

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Latest Google Reviews

Ontario Hockey Academy

Véronique Girard
01 Sep, 2024

” Warm and well-structured welcome. Young people are excited about the start of the school year. Well done “

sloppy thadon
13 Mar, 2023

” honest review on this place the hockey is the strongest part of the program i have nothing bad to say about the hockey except the buses , secondly i think the academics are horrible the teachers except for a select few of teachers know what their doing . The school is a pretty clean place they take really good care of it . Lastly the cafeteria and the food . The cafeteria cant even fit the entire school at once that says enough about the school . The food is advertised as healthy but the students eat pizza 3 times a week and the food they do cook looks like its still alive or hasn’t been cooked well “

Andrew Greenall
19 Oct, 2022

” Educate Yourself If your child is serious about their dream of playing in the NHL and you want to shell out colossal amounts of money and provide moral support, educate yourself as much as you can about hockey and the different stages of development. Learn about what is important for development and what path is best. Soak in as much information as you can from as many sources as you can. One of the biggest hindrances for kids and their families at crucial times in development is lack of knowledge. For example, I’ve seen dozens of kids in the past few years throw away their NCAA eligibility in order to play a handful of games of major junior hockey simply because they didn’t have enough knowledge. They think that the only path to the NHL is from AAA minor hockey to the OHL to the NHL. They simply haven’t educated themselves on the subject of hockey and the various levels and paths. “

Kerri Davenport
10 Oct, 2022

” Fantastic experience both on & off ice for my daughter. “

Yvon Besner
08 Jan, 2022

” Great school for learning and hockey development . “


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